Officiant Lady

How To Obtain A California Marriage License
Prior to getting married in California the couple must obtain a marriage license from the Office of the County Clerk. The license must be presented to me before the ceremony. Afterwards I will sign it, obtain the required witness signatures and return your completed license to the County Clerk on the next business day. Here is the information you need to obtain your marriage license.
The couple must appear together in person at the office of the County Clerk.
Each must present valid photo identification.
The license is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.
Applicants do not have to be residents of the state of California.
The license is good throughout the State of California.
No blood test is required.
There is no waiting period.
Applicants must list their post-marriage names on the license.
Grooms may take the bride's last name or the names may be combined.
You may request and pay for a certified copy of your marriage license at the time of application.
License fees may vary between counties
Public License $91.00 (Los Angeles County)
The license is a public record.
The ceremony can take place anywhere within the state of California.
At least one witness is required.
Confidential License $85.00 (Los Angeles County)
The license is private information available only to the couple.
The couple must be living together at time of issuance.
No witnesses are required.
Please visit the website of the appropriate County Clerk for specific information: